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Higher Diploma Programme Project in the Specialization of Women Studies And Development

Dean of Higher Studies & Scientific Research,

Woman Research and Training Center, and

Nuffic / Netherlands



Higher Diploma Programme Project in the Specialization of

Women Studies And Development


Introduction about the project:

In the framework of goals of Woman Center for Research and Training at Aden University for empowering and consolidating women's participation in the development operation, and to attain University's objectives in serving the society, the Center is preparing a higher studies diploma project in the specialization of women studies and development for B.Sc. graduates. The proposed goals and topics of study for diploma programme project stand on the basis of training needs analysis eliminated for governmental and non-governmental corporations working in the field of female affairs and development, and also through initial consultancies with leaderships of university colleges in Aden Governorate. Nuffic (NPT YEM/037), a Dutch Organization, is participating in strengthening the building capacities for Woman's Research and Training Center at University of Aden, as an input in the diploma project by training the lecturers at Wageningen UR University, Holland, and Social Science Institute (ISS), Holland, and at an Academic Corporation in an Arab region, and by scientific consultancies for the programme through academic missions mentioned above from Dutch University to the Center, beside Aden University's participation in providing the academic needs of lecturers, halls and other materialistic needs. To benefit from these facilities, the programme is expecting to achieve the following goals:


First – General Objectives of the Programme

The programme is aiming to achieve the following goals:


1.       To qualify the holders of higher collegiate diploma in women studies and development to embank the needs of Yemeni universities and other governmental establishments as well as civil society establishments to the qualified cadres, as first step to improve the higher education level in this rare specialization.

2.       Female studies issues and concepts hold a position in development and importance in education and scientific research in Yemeni universities.

3.       The Yemeni university assists the civil society establishments with those concerned to manage the programmes and draw up the strategies and policies which direct to treat women study issues and development.

4.       The programme participates in promoting the capacities and training skills, and supervising the studies and researches for members of teaching authority in the university in the field of women studies issues in development.

5.       The programme should direct the leadership's interest and decision makers in the field of higher and general education to the development importance to enter the concepts and female study issues to educational syllabuses at all levels.

6.       The Diploma course is considered as the first phase in order to complete the study to Master's level and at the same time to qualify the learners to obtain the Doctorate in the same specialization.

7.       The programme should adhere to the tariffs organized for higher studies at University of Aden, and on whose basis are organized the duties and rights of those implementing the programme for learners, teaching authority and supervisors of programme management.

8.       The programme should consist of clear and fixed goals to achieve the commitment with directions and visioning Yemeni society to women participation in development and which is based on the Shari'a  and values of Semitic Islamic religion inviting to enroot the principals of equilibration in the existing relations between men and women in the society, to achieve justice in the duty rights for men and women being sociological polar movers for leaving human on earth for achieving comprehensive development.


Second – Educational Objectives:

Educational and training subjects and research topics of the programme are to be directed as follows:

·          The learners should be provided with concepts and clear theoretical terminologies connected with concepts and women studies issues and development in the field of economical participation, education, training, procreating health, legislations, laws, environment management and natural resources.

·          The learners should gain knowledge and information on the polices and development programmes in the Yemeni society, which enables them to form a correct vision of the participation level of both men and women in the development programmes.

·          The learners should possess knowledge, skills and capacities in the field of necessary business management of governmental and civil corporations concerning women issues and development, to enable them to prepare plans, programmes and formulize strategies at educational and institutional level.

·          To develop the learners' capacities to determine the objectives to achieve the changes imposed from the society in the field of women studies and development, describe and analyze the reasons, and evaluate the differences, contrast bound with difference in roles estimated for both sexes or in frame of one sex in accordance with social categories.

·          The learners should possess measuring skills, on which basis roles of women and men are analyzed in development. At the same time to estimate the imprint resulted from different type on women participation indicator, and reduction of her production capacity, and her participation in the social and political activities.

·          To develop the learners skills in carrying out researches and conventional social scientific studies, quick and partaking researches by using measures which enables them to analyze women issues in the framework of human resources development programme.

·          The learners should possess skills to search for information from the library and websites.


·          The learners should possess the skills and capabilities to formulize the research reports that they carry out, and to clarify their opinions and their analytical attitudes towards the social problems that they face in their research and study.

·          To train the learners to prepare the promoting and polarizing         programmes which will enable to raise and awaken the awareness and face the obstacles that cause backwardness and lower the female participation pointer in development (such as arranging of house visits, managing discussions, talks, information, speeches and other means).

·          Awakening learners' awareness with lawful Islamic rights for women and to acquaint them with those traditions that has ripped-off woman of her rights because of mixing up herself with Islamic legislations.

·          The learners should have the will, satisfaction and adherence to extend support to the women issues in development, and to motivate their apprehension, aware them of the set-backs and problems that disable woman of participating in the operation of social, economic and political development.


Third – Terms of Acceptance:

1.       The applicant, in order to obtain the Diploma of Women Studies and Development, should hold a B.Sc. Degree or License Certificate with not less than grade "Good" in any specialization from a Yemeni university or any other university recognized by University of Aden.

2.       The applicant should go through all the examinations that the scientific programme stipulates.

3.       The applicant adheres to pay the fixed fees in accordance with the higher studies tariff.


Fourth – Studying System and its requirements:

1.       Duration of study is one academic year, and the period is not less than two educational terms and does not exceed four terms, in accordance with academic adjustment of University of Aden.

2.       The programme carries out the teaching system by units or modules with research as the following:

·          The subjects are portioned in complete units, and the time of each unit is estimated according to the need of the module, not exceeding four weeks (96 hours), completing during that period all the required module needs such as lectures, field and practical works and examinations.

·          The teaching hours will be six hours a day for four days a week, and to assign (4) hours of the fifth day of the week for teaching English Language and computer reciprocate, i.e. for each module there are 8 hours weekly, and that the total period of time for each module should not exceed 48 hours. The remaining two hours of the fifth day for hall research in the library or internet or practical work, as required by the module accompanied in the study table, and added to the hours of scientific research methodology course at the beginning of teaching module.

·          The topics of curriculum or modules should not be less than (8) or more than (12).

·          The learner is asked to write a thesis as part of the requirements of the programme.


Fifth – Appraisal System:

1.       The learners are assessed continuously and periodically, whereas the appraisal consists of the following factors:

·          Punctuality and discipline in studying.

·          Short tests which interrupt during the course or module.

·          Orders for researches and abstracts.

·          Active participation in seminars, collective discussions or in groups.

·          Participation in discussing and practical activities.

2.  Final appraisal is done at the end of the complete curriculum, and consists of written and oral examinations which last for two days.

3.    Each complete curriculum is given (100) points distributed as the following:

·          Continuous appraisal (tests) _________________ 40 points

·          Final appraisal (final examinations) ____________ 60 points

·          Funded to research requirements (thesis) _______ 100 points

·          The learner's final result is calculated as per the following percentages:

1)             50% of the total result obtained for the curriculum studies.

2)             50% for writing and discussing the thesis.

3)             The learner gets grades for the points he get as the following:

         (65-69 Fair; 70-79 Good; 80-86 Very Good;  90-100 Excellent)


Sixth – Practical Thesis and Supervision:

1)  Formalities for registering the thesis:

·          The subject for diploma thesis in the field of female studies issues and development, and should be characterized with seriousness and depth in discussing problems and finding solutions, and as effective participation in developing learners' knowledge with issues of women's participation in development.

·          The learner first chooses the subject and then submits a request for appointing a supervisor for his/her thesis.

·          The student by the directive of the supervisor reaches to the address of the thesis and project plan.

·          The learner presents the project plan to the concerned committee.

·          After discussion the plan is accredited by the academic board, and is made ready for registration.

·          The scientific thesis is registered after the learner has passed a complete term or four modules (module system).


2.  Supervision and Evaluation of the Scientific Thesis and Members of Teaching Authority participating in the Programme:

        Adheres to all conditions pertaining to supervision and evaluation system and members participating in the teaching authority on which the higher education tariffs are text at University of Aden.


Seven – Teaching Plan Proposal:



Module Teaching Goal


1. Basic concepts in Woman Studies and Development

1. The learners could understand the concept contents and its theoretical and practical denotations in Woman Studies & Development.


72 hours = 3 weeks

2. Introduction to history of woman movement

2. The learners to know the woman movement history as Yemeni, Arabian, Islamic & international.


72 hours = 3 weeks

3.  Social issues & factors of empowerment (education, training, economy, poverty alleviation, etc.)

3. The learners get aware of the factors that dominate the development operation.

72 hours = 3 weeks

4. Health Procreation & Population Problems in Yemen

4. The learners get aware of the importance of health procreation and its connection with the population problems in Yemen.


48 hours = 2 weeks


5. Environment & Natural Resources Management

5.  The learners know and are aware of the importance of rationalization in environment and natural resources management.


48 hours = 2 weeks

6. Legislations, Law and Woman participation in Social Development

6. The learners come to know the legislations and laws that dominate woman's participation in development, and know the importance of awareness to woman of those legislations and laws and not to mix up with Islamic legislations and social purgatory.


96 hours = 4 weeks

7. Management, Planning, Programme Evaluation, and Development Producing Project, Dialogue Management and Marketing.

7. To train the learners on planning, designing, analyzing and managing programmes and projects and to market it relevantly to enable women in development.

52 hours = 2 weeks

8. Methodology of Social Researches and its types and information collecting tools.

8. To train the learners on methodology and research designing, & using information collecting tools and statistic analysis.


52 hours = 2 weeks

9.  Usage of Descriptive and inferring Statistical Analysis in analyzing social problems.

9. To train the learners on use and implementation of analytical descriptive and inferring tools manually and by using electronic programme.

52 hours = 2 weeks

10. Use of Computer

10. The learners should acquire the skill of computer operation.


4 hours every two weeks during the programme.


11. Use of English Language both orally and in writing

11. To train the students to acquire the skills of using English Language both orally and in writing.


4 hours every two weeks during the programme

12. Total modules and hours.

12.  11 modules

Total hours excluding the computer and English Language = 632 hours = 24 weeks = 6 months












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