Strengthening the women research and training center (wrtc) at the university of aden in yemen   :::    مؤتمر المرأة والعلوم والتنمية   :::    Definition on the Curricula & Higher Studies Department   :::    General Idea about the Information and Documentation Department    :::    Research and Applied Studies Department   :::    The first international conference on Women, Science and Development   :::    Training Department   :::    قسم التدريب   :::    Final Report & Recommendations issued by the International Conference about Women, Science & Development Aden, 4 – 6 February, 2006    :::    تعريف عن قسم المناهج و الدراسات العليا   :::    Higher Diploma Programme Project in the Specialization of Women Studies And Development   :::   

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