اليوم: Tue-06 Jun 2023 05:05 PM

الحمد لله رب العالمين والصلاة والسلام على اشرف المرسلين سيدنا محمد وعلى اله وصحبه اجمعين ، جامعة عدن ه...
يدشن مركز المرأة للبحوث والتدريب في جامعة عدن موقعه الإلكتروني الجديد كانجاز تقني متميز يضاف إلى الوسائل الع...

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Name : Dr. Shafika Abdulkader Othman

Date of Birth : 17-11-1959

Nationality : Yemeni

Tel No :00967 777278992     737641988

Email  :    dr.

 Generaldescription of my specialization

Myspecialization is in English language Education. I am specialized in methods ofteaching English. So, my actual work is a trainer for undergraduate studentswho are going to be teachers in the government as well as privet schools. Inaddition, I teach methodology of writing research projects for BA students atUniversity of Aden .

Afterpromoting to Associate Professor, I specialized in teaching ResearchMethodology for MA students and supervise their research.


( 1985 – 1995 )  :Teacher of English at secondary school level in Aden

                            Governorate – YemenRepublic.

( 1995 – 1998 )  :Inspector of English for basic and secondary schools in                                                 Aden governorate – Yemen Republic .

( 1999 – Now )  :Lecturer at  Department of  English – College of Education/ 

                            University of Aden, BA level for the subject ‘ Small Scale Research


( 2003 -2004 )   :Lecturer in the XV and  XVI InternationalTraining Program                                        at theCentral Institute of English and Foreign Languages (CIEFL) Hyderabad – India.                           

Studies/ ( 2014 – Now)   : -Lecturer for MA students  at Center of Translation  and

                             University of Aden


                             -Working as asupervisor for  MA research students /University of                                  Aden. 

( 2021- Now)     : Academic and Educational supervisor at The British School (Aden)


- BAEducation, August 1984 ( University of Aden ).

    - MA in Applied Linguistics, ( Universityof Aden ).

- Diploma inTranslation ,April 2004 ( Central Institute of English and  Foreign languages / Hyderabad – India.

    - Ph.D in English Language Education, Dec.2006 (Central Institute of  English andForeign Languages(CIEFL) , Hyderabad – India .

Research Work

Threeresearches were  published in a refereedresearch journal called Al- Tawasul. The published researches are as follows:

1. EnglishNeeds of Students and the Course Materials in Use at the Faculty of Pharmacy /University of Aden- Yemen.

It waspublished in Issue No. 24 pp 3- 2o

2. Using L1in Learning L2.

It waspublished in Issue No. 25 pp 3- 22

3. Impact ofthe Lexical Problems upon Translation of the Economic Translation.

It was publishedin issue No 33 pp 3- 33

Supervision on M.A Researches

I worked as asupervisor with three MA students ( all of them were already awarded MAcertificate). The titles are listed below:

-Problems ofTranslating English Phrasal Verbs into Arabic at Sentence Level Encountered bythe Fourth year Undergraduates in the Faculty of Education- Saber/ Universityof Aden.

- Translatingof English Perfect Tenses into Arabic in Relation to the third yearUndergraduates of Faculty of Education- Saber/ University of Aden.

-Collocations Translation of Adjective Noun/Adjective and Verb Noun fromEnglish into Arabic and Vice Versa: Problems and Solutions.


-ProjectAccountant with Intersos Organozation in their project  Friendly Space for

IDPs Children.

-ProjectCoordinator with Mawada Association in their project Women

 Empowerment which is funded by MEPI .

-Consultantin training issues. 


 - Dr. Gamal Mohammed Ahmed (College oflanguages / University of Aden) .

Mobile: 777231779

- Dr. AnisAbulmajeed Obadi (Centre for English Translation Studies  / University of         Aden).
